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Places where the activity is practiced

The activity will take place in those places permitted with the vessels called “Huillín”, registration SMAN-362-EXC, and “Kenai”, registration SMAN-310- EXC, with capacity for three (3) sailors and one (1) crew member each; in the following courses and bodies of water: Aluminé, Collón Cura, Chimehuín, Caleufú and Quillén, Fly fishing in Argentine Patagonia I want to tell you who Carlos Trisciuzzi is or mostly known as Carlitos. With the help of my grandmother Doña Moraima, when I was only 5 years old, I began to throw my first lures into the waters of the Chimehuin River. I remember that I had no idea what I was doing. The only important thing for me was that I had a can of sauce in my hands. of tomato with a few meters of nylon and a flying spoon which minutes after starting my “day” I had my first bite which unfortunately would become a stick fish. But the good news was that after a few minutes I caught my first Rainbow trout from the Chimehuín River, which was about 150 grams, but it was enough for me to get hooked in a way that can only be explained by sharing it with me when we are on the coast. of a river