Imagen Principal

Places where the activity is practiced

Courses and bodies of water: that the activity will take place in those places permitted with the boat called “Bear I” (registration SMAN-307-EXC) and “Bear II” (registration SMAN-265-EXC), with capacity for two ( 2) navigators and one (1) crew member each.-, in the following courses and bodies of water: Rivers: Aluminé, Collón Cura, Malleo, Pulmarí, Quillén, Filo Hua Hum, Quilquihue, Curuhué, Chimehuín, Caleufú and Limay ( from its source in Lake Nahuel Huapi to upstream of the Rincón Chico area and from downstream of the Villa Llanquín area to the Ezequiel Ramos Mexía reservoir)