Imagen Principal

Places where the activity is practiced

Specifically floated for sport fishing and guided from the coast and by wading, in the following rivers: Aluminé, Limay (from its source in Lake Nahuel Huapi to the waters above the Rincón Chico area and from downstream of the Villa Llanquín area to the Ezequiel reservoir Ramos Mexía), Chimehuín, Collón Curá, Pulmarí, Quillén, Califiquitra, Quilquihue, Malleo, Kilka, Litrán, Caleufú, Nahueve, Reñileuvú, Trocomán, Neuquén, Rucachoroi, Trolope, Traful, Buraleo, Lileo and Quemquemtreu, in the Malalco, Relem and Ñireco streams; in the lakes: Queño, Pulmarí, Escondido, Curruhué Grande, Curruhué Chico, Rucachoroi, Lácar, Lolog, Tromen, Falkner, Villarino and Traful; in the lagoons: Trolope, Varvarco Campos, Varvarco Tapia, Epulafquen and Verde and in the Ezequiel reservoirs Ramos Mexía, Piedra del Águila, Pichi Picún Leufú and Alicurá.